Yayoi Kusama: 1945-Now
“Yayoi Kusama 1945 to Now” is a captivating book that delves into the extraordinary life and artistry of the iconic Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama. Spanning from the year of her birth to the present day, this comprehensive publication explores Kusama’s artistic journey, providing deep insights into her prolific career and groundbreaking contributions to the art world. Filled with vibrant images and informative essays, the book showcases Kusama’s signature polka dots, mesmerizing mirrored installations, and thought-provoking sculptures. It also delves into her personal struggles with mental health and her relentless determination to overcome adversity. “Yayoi Kusama 1945 to Now” offers a remarkable exploration of an artist whose work has captivated audiences and left an indelible mark on contemporary art.
Published By Thames & Hudson
Pages 400
Release Date February 2023
“Yayoi Kusama 1945 to Now” is a captivating book that delves into the extraordinary life and artistry of the iconic Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama. Spanning from the year of her birth to the present day, this comprehensive publication explores Kusama’s artistic journey, providing deep insights into her prolific career and groundbreaking contributions to the art world. Filled with vibrant images and informative essays, the book showcases Kusama’s signature polka dots, mesmerizing mirrored installations, and thought-provoking sculptures. It also delves into her personal struggles with mental health and her relentless determination to overcome adversity. “Yayoi Kusama 1945 to Now” offers a remarkable exploration of an artist whose work has captivated audiences and left an indelible mark on contemporary art.
Published By Thames & Hudson
Pages 400
Release Date February 2023
“Yayoi Kusama 1945 to Now” is a captivating book that delves into the extraordinary life and artistry of the iconic Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama. Spanning from the year of her birth to the present day, this comprehensive publication explores Kusama’s artistic journey, providing deep insights into her prolific career and groundbreaking contributions to the art world. Filled with vibrant images and informative essays, the book showcases Kusama’s signature polka dots, mesmerizing mirrored installations, and thought-provoking sculptures. It also delves into her personal struggles with mental health and her relentless determination to overcome adversity. “Yayoi Kusama 1945 to Now” offers a remarkable exploration of an artist whose work has captivated audiences and left an indelible mark on contemporary art.
Published By Thames & Hudson
Pages 400
Release Date February 2023