Shipping & Returns

Delivery Period

Unless indicated otherwise after the final confirmation of order, the delivery period for items ordered from include 1-2 business days to process the order for shipment via USPS Ground or Priority mail. Orders are processed and shipped Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Saturday delivery is not available. LRStudios is not responsible for unanticipated delays due to conditions such as weather or air travel delays.

Shipping Options 

US Shipping- FREE

Canada, UK & Australia- Flat rate of $15 (USD)

Japan- Flat Rate of $40 (USD)

Receipt of Products

If Product(s) purchased on is received damaged, the Customer must notify Sales Team immediately within Twenty Four (24) hours by email The Customer must provide detailed information regarding the defects and keep the original Product packaging and the parcel in the condition in which it was received, and otherwise follow the instructions provided by the Sales Team representative. Sales Team will then begin investigation with USPS. Please note that this process generally takes between eight (8) and ten (10) business days.


Retention of Ownership and Transfer of Risks

LRStudios shall retain full ownership of the Products ordered until payment has been received in full. Once the product is shipped risks of loss or damage to said Products, and any damage that may have occurred, shall be transferred to the Customer.