Our Founder
Steven Rochester
Every institution is the shadow of a single person. Through time, people and experiences within the world the shadows essence evolves. Forging connections and leaving a lasting imprint on the tapestry of the human experience. Steven Rochester birthed in Harlem, raised in Brooklyn was born on a wintry evening in 1981. Growing up in the beginnings of Street fashion influence of the 90’s he was intrigued about the “How & Why” in the vast vibrant multicultural capital of the world. Always a curious mind he began his career in fashion through retail operations, climbing the ranks to become a Manager of multiple high volume, big box stores for various companies including The Athlete’s Foot, Primark & Strandbooks. Managing upwards of $800 Million dollars in sales. Throughout his life its always been important to learn from everyone he’s encountered because to him “If you’re truly paying attention, you can learn what to do and what not to do through various individuals.” In 2014 he created his first t-shirt capsule collection and sold it out on the streets where he could see people’s reactions in real time to identify what worked and what didn’t in order to perfect his craft and create community. Discovering oneself through expression and design is a transformative journey where one’s innermost thoughts and emotions find a voice. It is his hope that through this creative outlet consumers will unravel his unique perspective, motivations and values.