
Banksy is a captivating exploration of the enigmatic and elusive street artist who has captivated the world with thought-provoking creations. This book delves deep into the mysterious world of Banksy, unraveling the secrets behind the subversive artworks that have emerged on walls, bridges, and buildings across the globe. Discover the compelling stories and profound messages hidden within each piece, as Banksy’s distinctive style challenges societal norms and sparks conversations on contemporary issues. Through stunning visuals and insightful narratives, Banksy invites readers to delve into the mind of an artistic genius, leaving them inspired by the power of art to challenge, provoke, and leave an indelible mark on the world.

Published by Rizzoli Electa

Pages 240

Release date June 2022

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Banksy is a captivating exploration of the enigmatic and elusive street artist who has captivated the world with thought-provoking creations. This book delves deep into the mysterious world of Banksy, unraveling the secrets behind the subversive artworks that have emerged on walls, bridges, and buildings across the globe. Discover the compelling stories and profound messages hidden within each piece, as Banksy’s distinctive style challenges societal norms and sparks conversations on contemporary issues. Through stunning visuals and insightful narratives, Banksy invites readers to delve into the mind of an artistic genius, leaving them inspired by the power of art to challenge, provoke, and leave an indelible mark on the world.

Published by Rizzoli Electa

Pages 240

Release date June 2022

Banksy is a captivating exploration of the enigmatic and elusive street artist who has captivated the world with thought-provoking creations. This book delves deep into the mysterious world of Banksy, unraveling the secrets behind the subversive artworks that have emerged on walls, bridges, and buildings across the globe. Discover the compelling stories and profound messages hidden within each piece, as Banksy’s distinctive style challenges societal norms and sparks conversations on contemporary issues. Through stunning visuals and insightful narratives, Banksy invites readers to delve into the mind of an artistic genius, leaving them inspired by the power of art to challenge, provoke, and leave an indelible mark on the world.

Published by Rizzoli Electa

Pages 240

Release date June 2022